Owww! Don’t Make Me Laugh!

Superman outside Grace Cathedral three days after donating a kidney

Superwife texted me this picture today with the message:

“OMG…[Superman] trying to do his typical slide-down-the-bannister at Grace Cathedral. Can’t keep the guy down.”

I read that and just freaked!  WHAT did they give him at UCSF?!

Glad that he’s up and about.  Just so you know, he didn’t actually slide down the bannister.  But there’s no way I could’ve even hopped up on the rail like that!  He is still in some pain though.  This message came a few hours later from Superman himself:

“Oww! Don’t make me laugh! ([Superwife] trying to get out to the pool by pushing instead of pulling on door)”


Reminds me of the time I thought I was trapped inside the self service postal outlet on Piedmont Ave in Oakland – one of those unstaffed locations with a postage kiosk and rental P.O. boxes.  While I was inside, a postal worker came in, deposited letters, collected the mail, and left.

On my way out I couldn’t open the door.  I thought she had left and locked the door, not noticing me while I was there.  So I started knocking on the glass door, motioning at passersby for help.  Took me a full minute to realize I was pushing the hinged end of the door.

I think Superwife and I are both gifted.


In case you’re wondering, Superman and Superwife are staying at a local hotel in downtown San Francisco.  UCSF is putting them up there because they normally reside in Southern California.  Along with super humor, they have super hearts.  Being so far didn’t stop them from donating this unbelievable gift to me.

11 thoughts on “Owww! Don’t Make Me Laugh!

  1. Forget “Batman vs. Superman” and “Captain America Civil War” – my favorite superhero story of 2016 is “Superman vs. Kidney Disease”

    continued prayers for health and healing for you, Superman, and the other 18 members of your May 12 2016 transplant club 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I love it! Superman vs. Kidney Disease! btw, ten way chain was five donors, five recipients. I think I wasn’t clear because a lot of people think that.


      1. Or maybe you were perfectly clear but a lot of us are, uh, mathematically gifted 😉
        Well, I’m pretty sure each member of the transplant club had at least one close friend or family member in their corner so we can still call it a club of 20, right?

        Liked by 1 person

  2. I so love that in the midst of serious recovery you have such a great sense of humor!

    We continue to pray for complete healing and that your precious baby kidney loves her new home. 🙂

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