Life with CKD: My Morning Routine

Here is a glimpse of my life with CKD.

My morning routine:

As soon as I get up, I disconnect my catheter from the dialysis machine and hop on the scale.  Changes in weight could indicate dialysis is not adequately removing excess fluid.

I take my temperature. A fever is one of the signs of peritonitis, a common infection among peritoneal dialysis patients.

I take my blood pressure while Coco greets me. Sometimes a high reading means I need to change the amount or strength of my dialysis solution.

I input all that data into the dialysis program, then I shut down the machine.

I collect and discard all the used tubes and bags.  It’s an insane amount of waste each day.

I have breakfast before or after I take Tay to school. I take 3 Renvela pills with each meal to help remove excess phosphorous.

Then I’m done for the morning and off to face the day! 🙂

8 thoughts on “Life with CKD: My Morning Routine

  1. Thanks for the great blog, Doris! I love knowing your daily routine. You make life look so easy when I know that it isn’t! I’m looking forward to part 2! I’m so thankful for your potential donors and am keeping you, them and the whole process in my prayers.
    My doctors at Kaiser are: Amy Huibonhoa (Gyn), Jose Troncoso (Internal Medicine/Rheumatology), Andrea Lee (Ped/Alameda Only). I’m happy with them all and can talk to you more offline. Maybe also consider some doctors in San Leandro since it’s so much closer for you.
    And btw, I don’t think I can hold a downward dog without shaking!

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  2. Hi Doris,
    Thanks for giving us a glimpse into your daily life with kidney disease. I’m not with Kaiser, but my old OB/GYN left private practice to go to Kaiser. Her name is Amy Huibonhoa. She was both Pat’s and my OB during our first pregnancies and she was great. She was so busy in private practice that I never got to see her, I mostly saw the NP, but I know that she will only be doing gynecology at Kaiser. Let me know if you need any other info.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Hi Doris,

    Thanks for sharing an update and a glimpse into your routine. I had wondered if adults change their dextrose level often. With babies it can change almost daily. Annelise’s blood pressure has actually been running high so the docs put us on a higher dextrose the last few days. Hopefully this does the trick and then we can move back down to a lower level. I was getting a bit nervous that she’d eventually stop responding to pd, but the docs told me not to worry about that yet.

    I’m so happy that people are getting tested to be your donor. I’ve been praying for a donor for you.

    We also have a giant pile of PD bags that I’m always behind on getting rid of. I drain them into the plants and then toss the bags, but she sometimes has 5 bags in a night due to getting the right dextrose level.

    Anyhow, take care and good to hear from you.



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    1. I didn’t know you could water the plants with the drain fluid. I should try that! Maybe they’ll like all that sugar water. I’ve only had to go to 2.5% dextrose for the PET test a few months ago. Otherwise I’m doing good at 1.5% My bp came way down after starting dialysis…. Always glad to hear Annalise is hanging in there. I will keep her in my prayers.


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