Empty Nesters in Training

Ant-manAre you all enjoying your summer? I’m loving the relaxed time with my kids, although this week they’re each off to various camps, so I’m really loving a week-long date with my husband.  So far we celebrated a good friend’s 50th birthday Sunday and enjoyed a movie on Monday (“Ant-man”).  Last night was dinner at Wood Tavern.

Many of you are wondering how I’m doing while I wait for a kidney transplant.   In my last post, I shared that I had four potential donors.  I am currently down to one potential donor actively testing.  I don’t know who he (or she) is, and I don’t know where he is in the evaluation process, nor do I know what happened with the other potential donors.   Privacy laws prevent me from knowing much, but I am keeping my fingers crossed as he makes his way through this testing phase which typically takes 3-6 months.

As I wait, my physical body continues to hang on and I’m feeling generally well.  Dialysis continues its work at removing toxins while keeping my blood pressure within a healthy range. If anything this season of waiting has become a test of my spirit.  During the day I am a fighter, reading and researching and arming myself with questions at every appointment.  But sometimes in the quiet of the night, when the buzzing and humming of my dialysis machine wakes me, a sadness settles in, weary in waiting, and wondering where my finish line lies.  Will I get a transplant in 6 weeks? 6 months? Ever?  Recently I received some UCSF literature on kidney transplant that read:

Of the people on the wait list only one in five survive long enough
to get a transplant, because they get too sick for the transplant.

And while I’m confident that I will be among the one in five, life does look a little different when a life-threatening illness stares you in the face.

I’m halfway through my week without kids.  Any suggestions on how to spend the next few days?  Leave a comment.

8 thoughts on “Empty Nesters in Training

  1. Doris,
    So good that you and Marty had a special week together. Take a visit to Filoli Gardens in Woodside and make reservations for afternoon tea there too.
    Check online to see what’s currently blooming. It has a beautiful historic estate there as well.
    My prayer is for the Lord to meet you during those middle of the night nights. May he give you His peace and assurance! Love & Prayers,

    Liked by 1 person

  2. you look amazing in the pic! love the shoes! =) well i’m back from our trips and would love to catch up! kids start school in 3 weeks so possibly before but definitely after school starts.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Hi Doris, so glad to read your post. I suggest a day trip to Napa to enjoy the beauty of the vineyards! Before I left California in May, I visited Sterling Vineyard, and I highly recommend it. You take a cable car up to the center, and it’s amazing. I’m always thinking of you and sending my very best wishes. Cindy

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  4. I second the sunset walk on the beach – with a kite if windy enough. It’s been so long since we’ve visited Doris. I’d love to try a “take two” and visit since morning after dropping off kids to Quantum? Will be praying for this donor to be a match made in heaven. Literally!

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Doris, Try taking Bart or Ferry into SF on Friday and enjoy a free noon 12-1 concert in the plaza – offerings for 8/7 are Classical at the Crocker Galleria by Merenai Shim/Yuri Liberzon, Jazz at 101 California, or Latin Jazz at 303 2nd Street. Caught only one concert last summer and really enjoyed it.

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  6. Doris, you look “maaahvelous”! Empty nesting becomes you! Hee hee! Will continue to pray for a speedy donor process! Miss you! Let’s hang out soooon!!

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