
kidney comic

May 12, 2016.  My transplant date.

Yes, a suitable kidney match has been found!!!

woo hoo!!! yippee!!! yahoo!!!

Surgery is scheduled for two and half weeks from now.  I go in next week for my pre-op meeting with my surgeon.  I’m cautiously hopeful, excited and nervous.  It’s somewhat surreal that we are finally here.  Finally.

Thanks to all for your months and years of prayers.  Keep it coming.  We want the kidney to be happy in her new home, and my body to tolerate the anti-rejection medication well.

My surgery will be part of a ten-way chain: five donors and five recipients.  I know many of you are still confused about how this all works.  You’re wondering If you already had a donor in December, why are you now announcing (again) that you have a donor?…. Well, there are TWO donors that matter here:

Donor #1 is someone who knows me and is donating ON MY BEHALF. He would love to physically give his kidney to me but he is not a match because he is not blood compatible so he is donating to someone who is a match. His gift allows me to receive from someone who is a match for me in a program that works like a big swap. Think of it as a Christmas gift exchange.  You can’t participate and get a gift unless you bring a gift.  It’s just the gift can’t be just any gift; it has to be one that “fits” you.

The big obstacle all along was waiting for someone to come forward to be Donor #1 and then be medically cleared.  That evaluation process takes several months.  In the past two years we have gone through about 8 potential donors.  They have dropped out for various reasons.  I call this final donor “Superman” because of his super health and his super duper heart for giving me this gift of life.

Then there’s Donor #2.  That’s the person in the National Kidney Registry database that they find for me who is a compatible match for me.  She isn’t anyone I know, but her actual kidney is being transplanted into me.  I’ve been told she is “female, early 30’s, and local.”  That’s all I know and probably will ever know.  She is donating her kidney on behalf of her friend/family member who needs a kidney.  That friend will get a kidney from someone else in the chain.  And so forth.

Here’s an awesome video that shows a donor chain from a few years ago.  You’ll see how it all goes down… Please watch this video!

By the way, Superman’s kidney is flying to the East Coast.

21 thoughts on “Finally!

  1. Praise the LORD! This is such great news! We are so happy and rejoicing with you. We’ll be praying for everything to go right. God answers prayer!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. We are so excited to see the way that God is working in the kidney donor community and in your life. Praying for you. 

    Sent via the Samsung GALAXY S® 5, an AT&T 4G LTE smartphone

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  3. Such wonderful God praising news Doris! We rejoice with you and your family and will be praying you and your kidney through this next stage towards complete health.

    Good bless this National chain of donors and your personal superman!

    Liked by 1 person

  4. WOW! God is good, all the time!

    Been praying for you Doris and your family and have been inspired by your faith and strength.

    You are one tough chick!


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  5. Praise God! So excited for you, Doris. We knew this day would come. Now prayers are needed even more, for the adventure is really beginning!

    Btw, did Superman’s donation bump you up in the registry? Is that how it works?

    Liked by 1 person

    1. No I wasn’t bumped up in the registry (which is completely different from the wait list. The wait list is for a deceased donor. That can be a seven year wait). Once you’re in the registry, depending how common your blood type and antibody level you should get a match pretty easily. Mine wasn’t hard. But superman was my “ticket” to join the National registry in the first place. Without him I would’ve had nothing to offer in the registry.


  6. Wow, congratulations!!! This is excellent news. My family and I will keep you in our prayers. Hopefully everything goes well and according to plan. Go Auntie Doris and her new soon-to-be kidney!

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Extremely happy for you and Marty, and so thankful to the Lord for His provision! Will remember you in pryr as you prep for the surgery, and for a swift and smooth recovery.

    Daryl (CIBC)

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  8. So exciting!!!! Oh how happy you must be. Brought tears to my eyes to think your long wait and all you have been going through is coming to an end. Will be praying. Bless you!!!!!

    Liked by 1 person

  9. I am over the moon happy for you! What a wonderful story about faith and the power of prayer. By the way, I am back in the Bay Area and would love to see you again after you recuperate from surgery. Yeh UCSF!!!!!! Let me know the name of your transplant surgeon. Mine was Dr. Feng.

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